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Privacy & cookie statement

Partners in Vertrouwen respects the privacy of visitors to its website, especially the rights of visitors with regard to the automated processing of personal data. In order to maintain complete transparency with our customers, we have formulated and implemented a policy regarding these processing activities, their purpose, and the options for data subjects to exercise their rights to the best of their ability. 

For additional information on the protection of personal data, please visit the website of the Dutch Data Protection Authority  Autoriteit persoonsgegevens. 


Until you accept the use of cookies and other tracking systems on the website, we will not place analytical cookies and/or tracking cookies on your computer, mobile phone, or tablet. By continuing to visit this website, you accept the following terms and conditions. The current version of the privacy policy available on the website is the only version that applies while you visit the website, until a new version replaces the current version.


Article 1 - Legal provisions 

  1. Website (hereinafter also "The website"): Partners in Vertrouwen

  2. Administrator for the processing of personal data (hereinafter also: "The Administrator"): Partners in Vertrouwen, located at Cattenhagestraat 4, 1411 CT Naarden, Chamber of Commerce number: 89565592


Article 2 - Access to the website 

  • Access to the website and its use is strictly personal. You shall not use this website, as well as the data and information provided therein, for commercial, political, or publicity purposes, nor for any commercial offers, and in particular, not for unsolicited electronic offers. 


Article 3 - Content of the website  

  • All trademarks, images, texts, comments, illustrations, (animated) images, videos, sounds, as well as all technical applications that can be used to make the website function, and in general all parts used on this site, are protected by intellectual property rights under the law. Any reproduction, repetition, use, or adaptation, in any way whatsoever, of the whole or any part thereof, including the technical applications, without the prior written consent of the controller, is strictly prohibited. If the administrator does not immediately take action against any infringement, this cannot be interpreted as tacit consent or waiver of legal action.


Article 4 - Management of the website 

  • For the proper management of the website, the administrator may at any time: 

    • suspend, interrupt, or restrict access to a certain category of visitors, to the whole or a part of the website 

    • remove all information that may disrupt the functioning of the website or is contrary to national or international legislation or internet etiquette

    • temporarily make the website unavailable in order to perform updates


Article 5 - Responsibilities 

  • The administrator is not responsible in any case for failures, malfunctions, difficulties, or interruptions in the functioning of the website, which may render the website or any of its functionalities inaccessible. The way in which you connect to the website is your own responsibility. You should take all appropriate measures to protect your equipment and your data from, among other things, virus attacks on the internet. You are also responsible for the websites and data that you access on the internet.

  • The administrator is not liable for legal proceedings against you: 

    • Due to the use of the website or services accessible via the internet

    • Due to the violation of the terms of this privacy policy

  • The administrator is not responsible for any damage that you or third parties or your equipment may suffer as a result of your connection to or use of the website. You will refrain from taking any action against the administrator as a result of this.

  • Indien de beheerder betrokken raakt bij een geschil als gevolg van uw gebruik van deze website, is hij gerechtigd alle schade die hij dientengevolge lijdt en nog zal lijden op u te verhalen. 


Article 6 - Collection of Personal Data 

  • Uw gegevens worden verzameld door Partners in Vertrouwen. Onder persoonsgegevens worden verstaan: alle informatie over een geïdentificeerde of identificeerbare natuurlijke persoon; als identificeerbaar wordt beschouwd een natuurlijke persoon die direct of indirect kan worden geïdentificeerd, met name aan de hand van een identificator zoals een naam, een identificatienummer, locatiegegevens, een online identificator of een of meer elementen die kenmerkend zijn voor de fysieke, fysiologische, genetische, psychische, economische, culturele of sociale identiteit.

  • The personal data collected on the website is primarily used by the administrator for maintaining relationships with you and, if applicable, for processing your orders. 


Article 7 - Your Rights Regarding Personal Data 

  • Pursuant to the applicable privacy laws and regulations (artikel 13 lid 2 sub b AVG) , you have certain rights regarding the personal data that the administrator collects and processes about you. These rights include the right to access, rectify, erase, restrict, or transfer your personal data. You also have the right to object to the processing of your personal data or to withdraw any consent you have given for such processing. To exercise your rights, you can contact the administrator  via 

  • Any such request must be accompanied by a copy of a valid identification document, on which you have placed your signature, and stating the address at which you can be contacted. You will receive a response to your request within 1 month of the submitted request. Depending on the complexity of the requests and the number of requests, this period may be extended by 2 months if necessary.


Article 8 - Processing of personal data

  • In case of violation of any law or regulation, of which the visitor is suspected and for which the authorities require personal data collected by the administrator, such data will be provided to them upon explicit and motivated request from said authorities, after which these personal data will no longer be protected by the provisions of this privacy statement.

  • If certain information is necessary to access certain functionalities of the website, the controller will indicate the mandatory nature of this information at the time of requesting the data. 


Article 9 - Commercial offers

  • You may receive commercial offers from the administrator. If you do not wish to receive these anymore, please send an email to the following address:

  • If you encounter any personal data during your visit to the website, you must refrain from collecting or otherwise unauthorized use of such data, as well as any act that constitutes an infringement on the privacy of said person(s). The administrator is in no way responsible in the aforementioned situations. 


Article 10 - Data retention period

  • The data collected by the website administrator will be used and stored for the duration as determined by law. 


Article 11 - Cookies 

  • A cookie is a small text file that is placed on the hard drive of your computer when you visit our website. A cookie contains data that allows you to be recognized as a visitor on our website during each visit. This enables us to tailor our website specifically to you and facilitate login. When you visit our website, a banner appears informing you about the use of cookies. By continuing to use our website, you accept their use. Your consent is valid for a period of thirteen months.

  • We use the following types of cookies on our website:

    • Non-anonymized Analytical cookies: to gain insight into visits to our website based on information about visitor numbers, popular pages, and topics. This allows us to better align communication and information provision with the needs of visitors to our website.

Specifically, we use the following cookies:

Google Analytics (analytical cookie) ​​​​​​


Article 12 - Visual material and offered products

  • No rights can be derived from the visual material that accompanies the products offered on the website.


Article 13 - Applicable law

  • Dutch law applies to these terms and conditions. The court of the place of residence/establishment of the administrator has exclusive jurisdiction over any disputes relating to these terms and conditions, unless a legal exception applies.


Article 14 - Contact

  • For questions, product information, or information about the website itself, you can contact:Judith Gerritsen or Maureen Meeng,

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