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External confidential advisor

My career began as a dental hygienist and paediatric dental caregiver. I worked for several group dental practices for many years.

In addition to my fieldwork, I have always held various sideline roles related to governance and organisation. Within the professional association, I served as the chairperson of ICO groups for many years and was also active within the quality and education board, where I served as the chairperson of the CIE.

I also pursued a practical business management course to broaden my perspective and gain a more comprehensive understanding of my field.


In 2016, I made a career switch and embarked on a coaching programme, allowing me to combine my passion for people, guidance, and organisations. In 2020, I completed a training programme in family constellations and, in 2023, organisational constellations at the Bert Hellinger Institute. In 2020, I also began studying Psychology at the Open University.

At the beginning of 2023, I completed the training to become a certified Confidential Advisor and became a member of the LVV (National Association of Confidential Advisors).


With my background as a coach and my understanding of systemic work, I can support a complainant and ensure that the correct procedures are followed within a company. With the legal knowledge acquired during my Confidential Advisor training, my specialisation in integrity, and my practical business management education, I am versatile as a self-employed professional in the field.


Feedback I receive highlights my ability to create a safe environment for complainants, listen between the lines effectively, and provide sharp, clear advice.


In addition to my work as a Confidential Advisor, I also work as a trainer at SUAS, by Schouten and Nelissen. Facilitating groups and sharing knowledge energises me. I find great satisfaction in continually discovering new perspectives and devising creative ways to impart knowledge.


Beyond my work passion, I am an enthusiastic choir singer and often found in museums and concert halls.

Sacha Kraal Partners in Vertrouwen, externe vertrouwenspersoon inhuren
Partners in Vertrouwen werkt alleen met LVV geregistreerde externe vertrouwenspersonen
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